For sellers & vendors who want to get the most out of their campaigns

Is manual Amazon PPC Ads optimization costing you valuable time?
Is the time-consuming manual optimization of your bids preventing you from focusing on strategic growth initiatives? With our tool, you can automate this process and map your manual optimization exactly according to your specifications.

Unsure whether the tool is managing your campaigns correctly?
Are you worried that the tool is making decisions that you cannot fully understand? Our tool gives you full control and transparency so that you always have an overview.

Are rising click prices jeopardizing your profitability?
With increasing competition, the cost per click is rising, driving up your advertising costs? Our tool enables real-time bid adjustments and thus avoids unnecessary costs, which leads to a significantly higher profitability of your campaigns.

Are inflexible tools hindering your success?
Are you worried that the tool is not flexible enough to meet your specific business requirements? Our tool can be customized to your needs so that it fits your strategy perfectly. Only PPC Butler is this flexible.

Is your product portfolio growing and the workload increasing?
Managing a large product portfolio requires careful planning and monitoring. Our tool helps you make the best use of your budget and maximizes your ROI by precisely controlling your advertising campaigns at product level.

Unsure whether the cost of the tool is worth it?
Our tool offers you more than just monitoring and optimizing your campaigns. It maximizes your profitability by continuously ensuring optimal results while allowing you to focus on strategic growth initiatives.