For sellers & vendors who want to get the most out of their campaigns

PPC Butler: Unleash the full potential of your Amazon advertising campaigns

  • Effortlessly map your manual optimization
  • Understand every decision of the tool
  • Presets and templates make it easier for you to get started
  • Fair price – you only pay for the service you receive
  • Use historical data beyond 60 days (for longer use)
  • Benefit from complete automation according to your specifications
  • Adopt your existing campaign structure
  • Get fast and effective support from experts
Book a free demo

5 steps to your first automation

1. note down routine tasks

2. select advertising format & match types

3. select campaigns & portfolios

4. define conditions

5. select action

What sets the PPC Butler apart

Individual workflows

Create an unlimited number of workflows. With customized workflows you are much more effective in competitive niches than with a rigid mathematical algorithm. Unfortunately, mathematical algorithms often tend to lower bids too much, which can negatively impact the overall performance of your account. Maximize your efficiency and adapt your targets to the dynamic requirements of your market. Precisely control each of your targets individually, no matter what campaign structure you have.

Time & weekdays

Optimize your customers’ bids at any time manually, at the touch of a button or automatically by time and day of the week. This flexibility allows you to adapt your advertising strategies to the dynamics of the market and react flexibly to changes in real time. This maximizes your efficiency and sustainably increases the success of your advertising measures.

Period-based bid control

Surely you know how tedious it is to analyze keywords over different performance periods. Delegate this time-consuming task to your personal butler in future! He knows the exact performance data of your campaigns and can easily compare them with each other and process them precisely according to your specifications. Simply create an automation via your butler and let him take over the tedious work so that you can concentrate on strategic growth initiatives. This not only increases efficiency, but also the performance of your campaigns.

Ranking-based control

Take advantage of our unique keyword control by targeting your keywords based on their organic and sponsored positions on Amazon. Maximize your visibility and reach by targeting the best positions. If your keywords are already ranking in the top positions organically, you can reduce your bids and maximize the profit of your campaigns. This strategy ensures that you make efficient use of your advertising spend and sustainably increase the profitability of your campaigns.

Access to all advertising KPIs

Your PPC Butler takes all advertising KPIs from Seller Central into account and enables you to carry out targeted bid management in line with your marketing plan. Does your advertising strategy go through different phases such as launch, growth phase, profit optimization and sales? Simply create a separate workflow for each of these phases and let your butler do this work for you in future. This will ensure that your campaigns are optimally managed in each phase, leading to higher profits and more efficient processes.

Control elements:

  • Performance periods: term, last 30 days, current month, individual periods
  • Operators: Multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, unequal, equal, <, <=, >, >=, AND operations, OR operations, CHANGE (changes since the last bid change), and much more.

Optimal use of campaign budgets

Control your Amazon campaign budgets by time of day. Give your campaigns more budget at peak times and reduce it in less successful phases. This feature allows you to maximize the performance of your campaigns by allocating your resources exactly where they will have the greatest effect. By dynamically adjusting the budget based on the performance of your campaigns and your individual specifications, you can increase your conversion rates in a targeted manner and get the most out of your advertising measures.

Flexibility without limits thanks to
Butler variables

By using product variables, you can control your bids very easily and conveniently. The whole thing is like a placeholder that you can place in your workflow as often as you like. Other providers work with fixed values here, which means that you have to adjust the values manually in every workflow. This results in a high workload, which is not necessary and is also prone to errors. Your Butler works with placeholders, so you can simply write your workflow down once and say, for example, bid + placeholder 1

In the control center of your placeholders, you can now simply change the value of placeholder 1 per asin and the new value is automatically set everywhere where you have inserted this placeholder. Precise bids and quick adjustments thanks to butler variables.

The missing change KPI of Seller Central

Our developed change KPI solves the problem of manual bid optimization by transparently showing you the changes before and after bid adjustments. No more guesswork or cumbersome clicking back and forth. With our Change KPI you can see exactly how many clicks or orders have been added since the last bid change by your butler.

Application example:
past days >= 3 AND click change = 0 -> Increase my bid by 5 cents.

Control your bids so that you achieve the exact number of impressions or clicks you want. This comprehensive control across all keywords is impossible for a human, but not for your Butler.

Detailed reporting

Your virtual butler creates clear reports that you can download as an Excel file or display directly in the dashboard. You can see exactly which workflow was used for which campaign and for which keyword before the bid is placed on Amazon. This helps you avoid costly mistakes and surprises.

Can you currently answer which keywords had a conversion rate of 30% in the last 7 days? Simply write a workflow to evaluate your campaigns and receive a detailed report in seconds.

Grouping campaigns for an efficient workflow

This function is ideal if you have many campaigns. Grouping your Amazon advertising campaigns makes administration easier and saves time-consuming documentation and control processes.

By grouping campaigns and assigning them to a workflow, your personal butler always has an overview of your campaigns and marketing strategies. For example, simply move campaigns back and forth between the different workflows.


  • Workflow launch phase: Campaign ABC
  • Workflow growth phase: DEF campaign

After the launch, you move campaign ABC from the launch phase to the growth phase. Your campaign is then immediately managed according to the new workflow.

Search term transfer to all advertising formats

Your PPC Butler can transfer search terms fully automatically to all existing advertising formats based on your defined KPIs, for example from Sponsored Products (SP) to Sponsored Brands (SB) or from Sponsored Display Ads (SDA) to Sponsored Products (SP). There are no limits to your strategy, no matter what campaign structure you have.

As search terms in Seller Central can only be viewed retrospectively for 65 days, it often remains unclear how many clicks and orders a search term has actually generated. Your personal butler adds up all data records for you from the time of registration so that you also have a long-term view. This allows you to take targeted action on events that occurred more than 65 days ago and control your campaigns even more precisely. This comprehensive database enables you to make well-founded decisions that will improve your campaign performance in the long term.

The rollback solution just in case

If you ever encounter a problem, you can retroactively reset your bids to the original value at the touch of a button. We store your bid changes securely so that you always have a double bottom and enjoy maximum security. Do you remember what the bids for your individual keywords were two weeks ago? Your PPC butler knows down to the last cent and ensures that you are always in control.

Known from the Exit2Go Podcast – Episode: #115

We proudly present the launch of two new products and give an insight into our strategy for successful product launches. We also take a look at the current aggregator market and its impact on our business strategy. Finally, we talk about our new brand with a focus on electrical products. Treat yourselves!


The PPC Butler is a game changer! It offers incredible flexibility, especially with individual rule sets and schedules. The support team is excellent and the regular updates are always based on the wishes of the community.

Logo der Amazon Full Service Agentur amaline

Amazon Agency

We are a mid-sized Amazon advertising agency and have been working with the PPC-Butler tool and team for several months now. It’s exactly the solution we’ve always been looking for. We had two points that were really important to us, and we were assured that our request was noted and understood. It didn’t take two weeks (we were still in the testing phase) and the feature was integrated into the system. We are very excited to see what the future holds.

I’ve looked into all sorts of tools, but what troubled me was that almost all of them relied on AI. I had my own set of rules in mind for managing my Amazon PPC. I simply needed a robot that executes everything exactly as I specify. Please keep going! Five stars from me to you!

The PPC-Butler team is amazing; rarely has a company taken so much time for our concerns. We’re in the Managed Service, and the results speak for themselves. During peak times, an empty DPD van wasn’t enough to load all the shipments. Please continue to stay as authentic as you are! We wish you the greatest possible success.

We were locked into a contract with another tool provider for 3 months. By the end of August 2023, we experienced a monthly loss of 4.500 euros. October 2023 with a forecast of -2.500 euros according to Sellerboard. Mid-October, after numerous discussions, we were finally released from the contract. All campaigns were then manually reviewed by the PPC-Butler team. Inappropriate keywords were filtered out, and then control was managed through a tailored rule set by the tool. At the end of December 2023, we ended up with a profit of over 44K and ran out of Stock. You are the absolute best, thank you so, so much for that!

PPC-Butler vs. other tools

The PPC Butler clearly stands out from other PPC tools by offering absolute transparency and complete control. In contrast to the often opaque “black box” solutions on the market, where you never know exactly what is happening in the background, the PPC Butler enables complete traceability of every action. The PPC Butler is not just a tool, it is a fully-fledged team member.
This makes it the best choice for anyone who wants to retain real control over their PPC.

Other PPC tools


Transparency: Completely transparent, every adjustment is traceable and is specified by the user.

Transparency: Often non-transparent (“black box”), difficult to understand what is happening in the background.


Control: User has complete control over all customizations.

Control: Limited control, often dependent on predefined algorithms.


Customizability: Individual adaptations possible, flexible to user requirements. Custom solutions are also offered.

Customizability: Usually limited to fixed algorithms and tool specifications.

Individual strategies

Individual strategies: Almost any strategy can be mapped, Single Keyword Campaign,
In-Season, Out-Season and much more.

Individual strategies: Use fixed algorithms that often do not address the individual needs of the product and user.

Ranking-based control

Ranking-based control: The position of the product (organic/sponsored) can be used for control.

Ranking-based control: Usually no further data points available outside the Advertising API.

Controllable levels

Controllable levels: Each target can be controlled individually, campaign budgets, search terms, advertised products in ad groups.

Partly only sponsored products, only the entire campaign performance is considered.

Controllable advertising formats

Controllable advertising formats: All advertising formats

Controllable advertising formats: Partly only sponsored products


Interval: Hourly, daily, weekly, fixed date, every year on and more.

Interval: Mostly technologically restricted, sometimes via the Amazon data stream, but then no control of sponsored brands and display ads possible.

Data basis

Database: User data is recorded as soon as they log in and is available for

Data basis: Usually only the last 90 days.

Campaign structure

Campaign structure: Works with any campaign structure without restrictions.

Campaign structure: Fixed specifications, in some cases new campaigns are created on the tool side.


Technology/logic: AND, OR, IF-THEN-ELSE, mathematical operations.

Technology/logic:Mostly fixed values as AND links and few data points.


Optimizations: Specific per product, specific per target.

Optimizations: No specific control at asin level, mostly only optimizations at campaign level.

Search term transfer

Search term transfer: From any advertising format to any advertising format (SP -> SB; SB -> SP). Harvest or set to negative only or search term also contains “brand”,
then move to SP self-protection.

Search term transfer: Not very flexible, not across advertising formats.

Book a free demo


Test the PPC-Butler for 30 days completely free of charge and without risk on a marketplace of your choice. Use this time to familiarize yourself with the program and try out all the functions. Our support is also available to you during the test period.

Your data is fetched from Amazon at least once a day and additionally before each upcoming adjustment. This ensures that your adjustments are always based on the latest data and are perfectly aligned with your strategy. You can set the interval of the adjustments according to your needs – from hourly adjustments to annual adjustments, all options are available to you. This high level of flexibility and timeliness maximizes your efficiency and ensures that you always have the decisive advantage on Amazon.

Our tool is designed to work with any campaign structure and map any strategy you need. No matter how complex your existing strategies are or what individual requirements you have, the PPC Butler adapts flexibly and offers you comprehensive integration into your existing processes.

Our Butler maximizes the efficiency of your campaigns by integrating perfectly into your existing workflows. This enables you to automate internal processes and execute complex strategies fully automatically.

With PPC Butler, you don’t have to make any compromises. Invest in a tool that optimizes your workflows, strengthens your marketing strategy and gives you a clear competitive advantage. Take advantage of the PPC Butler’s full range of functions and experience how the PPC Butler takes your campaign performance to a new level.

As a seller or vendor, we offer you comprehensive customer service and training so that you can exploit the full potential of our PPC tool. Our onboarding support ensures that you and your team have a smooth start and quickly become familiar with all the functions. In addition, our technical support, detailed documentation and training videos are available to you directly in the tool.

Our onboarding support includes personal training and detailed introductions that are individually tailored to your needs. Our technical support team is always ready to help you quickly and competently with any questions or problems. Thanks to our well-structured documentation and easy-to-understand videos, you always have access to valuable resources to help you get the most out of our tool’s features and benefits.

With our outstanding customer service and comprehensive training offerings, we ensure that you can focus on what’s important – maximizing your campaign performance. Invest in a tool that not only supports you with powerful features, but also with first-class support and ongoing training. Experience how easy and efficient PPC management can be when you have the right support on your side.

Your data is safe and well protected with us.

Protected backend architecture in private subnets:

Our backend is located in private subnets within an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This prevents direct access from outside and significantly reduces the attack surface. Only authorized resources can access these subnets.

Secure data storage in Amazon RDS:

Your data is stored in an Amazon RDS database, which is protected by automatic backups, encryption and security groups. This ensures that your data is protected against both unauthorized access and data loss.

With these robust security measures, we guarantee the protection of your data and ensure that you can concentrate fully on your campaigns. Rely on a tool that takes your security seriously and always remains at the cutting edge of technology.

Our tool is extremely stable and reliable. Outages or technical problems are extremely rare. We work continuously to ensure the reliability of our platform and to resolve any problems quickly. So you can rest assured that your campaigns will run uninterruptedly and efficiently.

We carry out regular updates based on the wishes and needs of our customers. These updates continuously bring new functions and improvements so that you always benefit from the latest developments and optimizations. Our commitment to continuous development ensures that you always work with a state-of-the-art and powerful tool.

With our tool, you are investing in a solution that not only impresses with precise performance tracking and high reliability, but is also constantly evolving to meet your requirements in the best possible way. Experience the benefits of a flexible, stable and innovative platform that takes your campaigns to a new level.

With PPC-Butler you enjoy maximum flexibility. You can cancel our tool on a monthly basis without entering into any long-term commitments. We deliberately avoid long contract periods because we are convinced that our offer is only convincing if it offers you clear added value at all times. Our philosophy is simple and transparent: your opinion is of the utmost importance to us. We are constantly working to improve our service. Should you nevertheless decide to leave us, we regard this as valuable feedback that will enable us to further optimize our services and our range of services.

For those who still prefer an annual contract, we also offer the option of an annual contract. An annual contract comes with attractive conditions and is usually preferred by customers who have already been working with us for 6 months.

Test us for 30 days without risk and experience how PPC-Butler can take your campaigns to a new level – according to your needs, whether on a flexible monthly basis or with the benefits of an annual contract.

In short, for us there is no such thing as the “perfect algorithm”, because markets change from time to time. Back then, we didn’t even know social media and now almost everyone uses it. For us, relying on a ready-made algorithm is like driving a car without a steering wheel. You will arrive, the only question is where. Would you blindly hand someone 100 euros if they promised to come back in an hour with 200 euros without informing you of their approach? We want to have things in our own hands. That’s why we are not fans of one-click solutions. Nevertheless, one-click solutions also have their advantages. Campaigns can usually be controlled with just a few clicks and this can be a solution, especially for people who do not want to delve into the topic of advertising on Amazon.

The PPC Butler does not have a fixed algorithm, as this goes against our understanding of marketing.

For us, marketing is a question of strategy. Am I chasing the best-selling batch or do I want to be particularly profitable? Some companies want to be particularly profitable with their advertising, while others pursue the goal of maximum sales with break-even acos. Larger companies sometimes deliberately run unprofitable campaigns in order to secure as much market share as possible and increase their brand awareness.

We also believe that the product itself should have a place in the marketing strategy. Let’s take the example of a vase. Here you do not have to occupy the top positions with your advertising, as there is a greater “scroll depth” in such categories. This means that customers first browse through various offers and look at the different materials and designs of a vase before making their purchase decision. The shortlisted vases are first placed in the customer’s shopping cart, after which the purchase is made. Imagine, on the other hand, a bicycle lock, where the customer generally looks at the price and the ratings. The product selection usually takes place on the first page in the upper half. As you can see, the campaign setup and the control of the bids depends on the individual strategy on the one hand and on the product itself on the other.

Unfortunately, we cannot tell you whether machine learning algorithms are the future. However, we are seeing more and more companies turning their backs on this approach, as it is usually associated with very high costs. It remains uncertain when this approach will pay off and when profitability will be achieved. In machine learning (data-driven control), the aim is usually to calculate the probability of purchase. In our opinion, the problem here lies in the detail. Assumptions are made and a status quo is considered. As we understand it, however, there is no status quo on the Amazon marketplace, as the search results pages are constantly changing. For the second time, you are visible in the search results together with competitor B, C and D. Another time, however, with B, F and G. Testing all these combinations requires a lot of capital, as a valid database must also be created in order to be able to make data-based decisions.

As mentioned at the beginning, we are not fans of ready-made algorithms, as we like to know what is going on in our marketing and where our capital is going. No matter what great-sounding buzzwords are used, please always bear in mind that there is an algorithm behind it that comes from someone else’s head.

As we receive a lot of questions on this topic, we would like to answer some of our customers’ questions here.

“How quickly do algorithms react to innovations from Amazon?”

We assume that every company with a ready-made algorithm will make every effort to take these circumstances into account in the program flow as quickly as possible in order to provide you with an optimum result.

“Does a learning algorithm also use the data I have purchased and the insights gained from it for the next user? They would then have a direct advantage over me, but I had to pay for this data.”

As we unfortunately have no information on this, we cannot answer this question and therefore hope for your understanding. However, we would also like to take this opportunity to point out that everything has its pros and cons. You have to decide for yourself which path is right for you.

…why should I choose an agency that uses PPC Butler? Then I can use the PPC butler myself and pay a lower price.

Please note that the PPC Butler is a professional software solution in the B2B sector. There is no system-side button that promises an Acos of X%. Every user and every agency will achieve a different result. Our recommendation is therefore to use an agency if you do not have sufficient knowledge of advertising yourself. The PPC Butler is rather a tool for professional users to surpass their previous performance. Therefore, please see this as a seal of quality for your agency, as it allows you to continuously optimize your campaigns. The PPC Butler can be used to map processes that would be cost-prohibitive if they were optimized manually. Most of our partners are also happy to show you the software so that you as a customer can gain a better understanding of how the software is used. It is best to find out during the initial consultation whether the agency of your choice uses PPC Butler. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have about PPC Butler.

Customer ratings

Star ratings


The PPC Butler is not a black box

The PPC Butler is not a black box, you can easily map your workflow and then let everything run on autopilot. For us, it’s the best tool we’ve tested so far.

Date of experience: July 04, 2024

Star ratings


Super support + excellent tool

We can recommend the tool with a very clear conscience. We have been using the Butler for more than 4 months now and it does exactly what we want it to do. You should allow for a training period. The support is second to none! Anyone who has ever been in contact with the Butlers will know what I mean, it’s just great!

Date of experience: June 11, 2024

Star ratings


5 stars for PPC-Butler

I rarely give a review, but for PPC Butler I’m happy to! Pascal and Uwe do an incredibly good job! They have an open ear for every question and help directly.

Date of experience: June 12, 2024

Star ratings


PPC tool that is not a black hole

I have been using PPC Butler to manage my ads on Amazon for several months now. Even though the menu navigation and the functions were a little cumbersome and not intuitive at first, the tool is convincing. If you use the rule sets provided as an aid, you can quickly and easily mirror your workflows in PPC Butler. Once everything was set up properly and tested. Since then, the Butler has been running on autopilot for me. It’s the first tool that is completely transparent and only does what you specify as rules. The price-performance ratio is right here and the service is also extremely fast, helpful and friendly. For me, it’s the best PPC tool on the market.

Date of experience: April 30, 2024

Customer reviews & experiences about Digital Butlers GmbH (PPC-Butler). Show more info.

Known from:

Control Amazon Ads simply and effectively

Our Knowledge

Digital Butlers GmbH is an experienced partner in the field of Amazon Advertising and offers customized solutions for companies. With innovative approaches and advanced technology, we ensure that you achieve the best possible results and are always one step ahead of the market.

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+50 Mio.

Advertising spend managed


Customer profiles managed

+9 Y.

Amazon experience

+12 Y.

Programming experience

Secure your personal butler now, as numerous renowned companies have already done before you