Function overview

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Individual rule sets – a must-have in highly competitive niches

Your virtual assistant allows you to create as many rule sets as you need. For example, you can create a rule set for all your auto campaigns or for a specific advertising format. However, you can also create a separate rule set for each product. In highly competitive niches, it makes a huge difference whether you simply use a bidding tool for support, which controls the bids unpredictably, or whether you have a set of rules that is directly adapted to the conditions of the niche and the product.

Our experience has shown that there is no one set of rules that works for every product and every niche . Work with your team to build a customized rule set that fits as perfectly as a tailor-made suit.

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Bid adjustments according to time & weekdays

Change your bids when you want and as often as you want. You have the option of changing the bids manually at the touch of a button, or you can use times and/or days of the week to control your bids. Some of our customers achieve extremely good results by controlling the bids by time and day of the week. You and your team are the experts and know the customers and their purchasing behavior. Write down your insights and transfer them as routines for your virtual assistant.

Bid change Sat. at 2 pm
pause/reduce the bid for the following keywords

Bid modification Sun. at 6 pm
activate/increase the bid for the following keywords

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Period-based bid control

Manage your bids according to different time periods and combine them!

  • Current month
  • the last 30 days
  • Runtime
  • Individually definable time windows

Surely you know how tedious it is to look at keywords over different performance periods. Why don’t you simply delegate these tasks? Your virtual assistant knows the exact performance data for the respective time periods and can easily process them according to your internal workflow. Simply create an automation via your virtual assistant and let it do the work.

Rule: 30-day acos <= term acos
Bid calculation via 30-day Acos value

Rule: 30-day acos > Term acos
Bid calculation via term-acos value

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Access to all advertising KPIs of Amazon Seller Central

Your PPC Butler takes all advertising KPIs from Seller Central into account and enables you to carry out targeted bid management in line with your marketing plan. Does your advertising strategy go through different phases such as launch, growth phase, profit optimization and sales? Simply create your own workflow for each of these phases and let your virtual assistant do the work for you in the future.

Performance periods:
Term, last 30 days, current month, individual time periods

ACOS, ROAS, clicks, CR, CTR, spend, CPC, turnover, orders, impressions, current bid, status (paused/activated)

Operators for control:
Multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, unequal, equal, <, <=, >, >=, AND links, OR links, CHANGE (changes since the last bid change), days, hours, product margin in euros, product margin in percent

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The missing change KPI of Seller Central

An extremely common problem with controlling bids is that you can only see what the value was before the bid adjustment and whether anything has changed since then if you optimize the bid manually. We have created a new KPI for this purpose, the Change KPI. This allows you to finally make bid adjustments as if you were looking directly into Seller Central. No more guessing, no more clicking back and forth, that’s over for once and for all.

Rule: past days >= 3 AND click change = 0
-> increase my current bid by 5 cents.

You can take the whole thing so far that you only bid enough to get the desired number of impressions or clicks you want. You can apply this control across all your keywords. This kind of work would be almost impossible for a human, but not for your virtual assistant.

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Flexibility without limits thanks to Butler variables

By using global variables, you can control your bids very easily and conveniently. The whole thing is like a placeholder that you can place in your rule set as often as you like. Other providers work with fixed values here, which means that you have to adjust the values manually in each set of rules. This results in a high workload, which is not necessary and is also prone to errors. Your virtual assistant works with placeholders, so you can simply write down your set of rules once and say, for example, bid + placeholder 1

In the control center of your placeholders, you can now simply change the value of placeholder 1 and the new value is automatically set wherever you have inserted this placeholder. Precise bids and quick adjustments thanks to butler variables.

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Detailed reporting

When executing your rule sets, your virtual assistant creates a very clear report that you can conveniently download as an Excel file or display directly in the dashboard. You can see exactly which rules have been applied to which campaign and keyword even before the bid is placed on Amazon. Nasty surprises and expensive mistakes are therefore a thing of the past.

Can you and your team currently answer the question which and how many keywords had a CR >= 10% within the last 7 days?

You and your team simply write a set of rules for the pure evaluation of your advertising campaigns. You’ve never had a clear report at your fingertips so quickly!

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Grouping campaigns for an efficient workflow

This function is particularly useful if you manage many campaigns. Grouping your Amazon advertising campaigns has many advantages and makes the administration of your advertising accounts much easier.

Save yourself time-consuming documentation and control processes. Is your employee taking part in training or on vacation? You and your team are already in a situation where the agency has to take over the marketing strategy and the management of several products. What if you had an employee on hand who had an overview of all customer portfolios? By grouping campaigns and assigning rule sets, your virtual assistant knows exactly which phase a product is in and what the marketing strategy looks like.

Launch phase rule set
Control of the ABC campaign

Growth phase control set
Control of the DEF campaign

Once the launch is over, you can simply move the corresponding campaign (ABC) from the launch phase rule set to the growth phase rule set. From this point on, your campaign is immediately controlled via the growth phase rule set. Managing your campaigns has never been so easy!

Seasonal rule set
Control of the ABC campaign

Normal rule set
Control of the DEF campaign

Once the season is over, you can simply move the corresponding campaign (ABC) from the seasonal rule set to the normal rule set. From this point on, your campaign will be controlled via the normal rule set again. You have never been able to react so quickly to seasonal factors!

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Convenient product management

Conveniently record your product margins in euros and as a percentage via Excel upload. From now on, your virtual assistant can calculate your bids based on the product margin. If your purchase price changes, you can enter a new margin with just two clicks and the calculation will immediately be based on your new product margin. This function is also ideal if you use coupons or other offer options on Amazon.

Rule: Expenses of the keyword >= product margin in euros
-> pause my bid

Rule: Acos term > Product margin relative + 10%
-> pause my bid

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Search term transfer to all advertising formats

Your PPC Butler can transfer all search terms fully automatically to all existing advertising formats based on your defined KPIs. Define KPI’s to switch search terms that are not performing to negative exact or negative phrase.

Search terms can only be viewed retrospectively for 65 days in Seller Central. You cannot say how many clicks and orders a search term actually has in total, as only the last 65 days are available to you. Your virtual assistant adds up the data records for you from the time of subscription, so that you also have a runtime view here. This means you can also influence events that occurred more than 65 days ago, because your virtual assistant knows exactly how many clicks have already been made for a search term.

Rule: ordersLife >= 3 AND acosLife <= 10
-> Transfer of the search term

Rule: clicksLife >= 20 AND ordersLife = 0
-> Switch search term negative exact

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Keyword transfer for the single campaign strategy

Transfer not only search terms, but also your keywords to use the single campaign strategy. This allows you to additionally control individual keywords via the bid placements or to cluster keywords that have a particularly high CR. Of course, all KPIs for decision-making are also available here.

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Optimal use of budget

Prime Days are just around the corner and the hustle and bustle is already beginning. A bid of 0.50 euros quickly becomes 5.00 or 0.05 euros in a hurry. Thanks to the formula-based approach, typing errors are finally a thing of the past. You also have the option of defining different upper and lower bid limits for your virtual assistant so that you don’t experience any nasty surprises.

Decide exactly how much you want to increase your bid to the cent. You can also instruct your PPC butler to increase bids only every 3 days, by a maximum of 0.10 cents.

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The rollback solution just in case

If you ever encounter a problem, you can reset your bids to the original value at the touch of a button. We store your bid changes securely so that you have a double floor and enjoy maximum security. Do you and your team still know what the bids for the individual keywords were 2 weeks ago? Your PPC butler knows it down to the cent.

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